Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's All Over

Well thank god for that, today marks the end of prelims for me. Today's exam was AH Economics it went better than expected not sure what mark to expect but I am fairly confident about it. Prelims this year have been an interesting experience; I have found each of the exams excruciating to sit through they have each been very hard and there is this little man sitting in my head saying "You don't need to be here" also those seats that we have to sit on for three hours just did my back in with pain.

After my exam I was in a rather good mood so I decided to go in to town. I went in to HMV because I had vouchers to spend from Christmas, bought two things - Firefly on DVD and I pre-ordered Serenity on DVD. I saw Serenity last year and I absolutly loved it, I am a big fan of Buffy and Angel and it would seem Joss Whedon can do no wrong. I am realy looking forward to watching Firefly.



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