Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What So No Revolution Then?

I have recently received unconditional offers of acceptance from a number of universities. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen have all replied with unconditional offers and I am over the moon about this but this leaves me in a very strange situation; I have lost all motivation for my 6th year courses. Well that is not strictly true I still enjoy economics and media studies but AH Maths with Stats and Computing have gone out the window. With prelims coming up in a weeks time this is not ideal but to hell with it I’m going to uni.

I seem to be listening to a lot of music and podcasts at the minute and watching much less TV. Well this is to be expected as television is going down hill with god knows how many reality and self help programs (DIY, Property, Fitness). I know only watch the TV for specific shows no longer do I channel flick unless I am babysitting. My current music taste seems to be heading toward indy music and I just love podcasts.

Towser’s Choice (To be updated on the last Friday of every month)

• Dice – Finley Quaye
• Such Great Heights – Postal Service (recommended by a friend and I can’t stop listening)
• New Slang – The Shins (watched Garden State and I was hooked on this song)

• Desperate Housewives
• ER
• Smallville

• Jarhead (Tries to be more than it is but is certainly worth a look)
• Garden State (BUY IT ON DVD such a great film)
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds

• Ricky Gervais (This is truly hilarious)
• Mark Kermode’s Film Review

This week saw a theory of mine disproved, to my complete bewilderment the common room was not sent into some form of revolution against the school after a remix of the Tetris Music was played. Surely something as catch and clearly Russian would be haled with cries of rebellion such as ‘down with our oppressors’. Sadly not mind you it was a techno remix perhaps an unedited version would be more effective.



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