Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mr T Says

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Watchman, Novels and Iron Man

I have, as regular readers are aware (so that means me), been on holiday now for two weeks (and if I didn't writ this blog I would still be aware of this fact). So for the last two weeks I have been finding the time to do stuff I have no time for when at uni.
1. It all started with Watchmen.
The day after my last exam I got up in the morning had breakfast, opened the door outside and sat reading watchmen until the only thing I could do was read watchmen as my eyes couldn't focus on anything else. This was a good day and I found rather unsurprisingly that Watchmen is still a good book not changing since the last time I read it, though now I perhaps appreciate it more. Certainly this is one of if not my favorite book of all time.

2. Stop the press, 'Iron Man OK' says Towser.

So yeah Iron Man, one of my most anticipated films of the year, was alright. I liked Downy Jr. and I enjoyed the action scenes but it also wasn't as good as I was hoping. I got really excited about some things in it like S.H.I.E.L.D. and SLJ as Nick Fury, and so therefore the prospect of having a Marvel movie-verse. Also the film has produced some pretty good action figures, not great but good for standard movie toys.

3. Novels.

I have started reading for fun again, I like reading books and so like to read as much as possible, but I just don't have time throughout the year, so I usually don't get a chance until I am on holiday with my family and I only have to worry about whether to go swimming in the pool or not. This year however I got a head start and have started reading and now finished two Nick Hornby novels; A Long Way Down and High Fidelity. Both were fantastic. I have noticed that I have made the transition from guy who only reads one book over two semesters to guy who reads every where; at bus stop, on bus, in queue at Starbucks, at work when on break. Now I know none of this sounds that extraordinary because every one else does it, but that is just my point that was every one else not me, never me and I like the change.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Singing In The Rain!

I hate the rain, I hate it so damn much! Now I know this sounds like I am pointing out the obvious but really rain is awful. Living in the UK gives me an extra reason to hate the rain because it rains all year round here. Today for example it started to rain even though the last three days it has been excellent weather, and today was the day that I arranged a BBQ instead of the cinema. We could have the best sunny weather for say 11 days and it will start raining on the 12th day. We have a phrase in Britain, one that every person here understands in an sort of evolutionary trait. Now not everyone uses it and people may hate the phrase being used (I know I do) but everyone in the UK understands it and knows it is true:

'We are going to pay for this weather'

A rained on Towser, paying for the good weather.

Monday, May 12, 2008

In a while crocodile....

I today bought and wore a pair of Crocs for the very first time, now i know these were most fashionable last year but not being a particularly fashion conscious person I bought them for pure practical and comfort reasons. Let me just say now these things are fantastic, I love them. They are comfy, light weight, they slip on and off easily, and best of all they are absolutely hideous!! That's right they are positively ugly and that is why I love them. I wear them around the house when I am lazing about and they will also be great for the really hot days around town and on holiday.

On a different note I finished re-reading Watchmen again today (the joy of no exams) and this time it was some how better than the previous time I read it. Fantastic!!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Snap, Crackle, Americana?

I have been a fan of American Pop Culture all my life. Growing up in the 90's world of 24 hour television with American imports filling the children's TV schedule I am clearly just a product of my time. My personality, in a number of ways, gives me greater access to this pop culture world and everything that goes along with it.

I like things, stuff, items, that are there for no other reason other than to entertain and not just physical objects like toys but everything that is created out of the sole purpose to entertain. So there fore TV, Movies, Music, Comics, Toys these are the things that I enjoy. Show me an ornithology book and it would bore me to tears, or gardening, or astrology, or god forbid train spotting. No none of these things interest me, not that I have any problem with the people that are interested in them. The reason I think this is so is because of different personalities, mine is happy to sit and watch a boxset of Star Trek DS9 not for the gained knowledge or because it will some how better me but because of pure enjoyment, I will buy an action figure of say Red Tornado and there is absolutely no reason for me to do this apart from the pure joy that I gain from holding him in my hands.

There also has to be something said about the collector side of my personality as well, I enjoy collecting I could have easily fallen into stamps, model cars or even autographs but they don't fit in with the first part of my personality, the pop culture loving side. Comics, toys and DVD's however do fit in very well. There must be something about nerds and collectors these are the only people in the world who are willing to be shown the up coming products and are happy to wait for there releases on a regular basis. If you showed some one a picture of a toaster, and that person loved it, then told them that they could pre-order it and it would be shipped to them in 6 months time they would laugh in your face.

So perhaps I started out as a child looking at the television and enjoying the pure escapism of superhero cartoons, but that enjoyment combined with my personality turned me into the nerd I am today.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It's Over!!!!!

That's it they are over!!! My exams have finished. I am now on my summer holiday! So from now until September I have nothing to worry about, I can just relax watch TV, read comics, sun bathe, and perhaps work a few shifts for cash. I am now free until roughly the 8th of September. That is:
18 Weeks
124 Days
2976 Hours
178560 Minutes
Of complete relaxation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS I just received my NECA comic style Ninja Turtle action figures, amazing!