Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Ultimate Universe

As you may gather from previous posts I am more of a DC fan boy than that of a Marvel fan. This has over the last few years certainly been the case. The reason for this is not because of the characters, no infact as a child my favorite super heros were some of Marvels biggest ie The X-Men and Spider-Man. No the reason for my interest in the DC universe is purly due to timing when I was starting to read comic books seriously DC just seemed to have better stories and Marvel frankly seemed inexcesable.

This all changed when I picked up Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 HC. The writing is fantastic and the artwork is stunning. I love the fact that it has its own continuity which is not complicated like the main Marvel continuity is. I also lovedthe fact that it returned to the good old feeling of the Spider-Man I loved as a kid.

My main books will still be the DC ones but I will certainly picking up an Ultimate title from time to time but still no main Marvel.



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