Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Scooby Gang Volume Two

Toys - The Diamond In The Rough

Over the last few months I have aquired a couple of items that are absolutly fantastic for any Buffy fan. Action figures are always a joy to have when they are well made. Unfortunatly up untill now Buffy and Angel action figures have not been all that great. Virtually unposeable and not very good likneses were the trade marks of buffy figures.

This all stops now, Diamond Select Toys (Website) have been improving their Buffy action figures for the past few years and the range has been very impressive so far and looks like it will continue to be impressive. The two items that I bought however are not from the usual Buffy line of action figures I have just bought two figures from the new Delux Series featuring Buffy and Faith with episode specific varients. Now these figures are not the pinical of the action figure world, they are not as detailed to the characters looks as say the brilliant sculps from the now out of bussness Palisades Toys or the likes of the current and up coming releases from DC Direct, but these figures will have any Buffy fan shelling out the rather extortionate price tag.
Speaking of Palisades toys I would like to also share with you some of there products. The brilliant Buffy Palz lineonly got to its secound series but is certainly worth a look from any Buffy fan.



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