Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Note To Self

My blog has been running for a number of weeks now and so it is time to reavaluate what this blog is about.

In my first post (Third Times A Charm) I suggested that "I still have not decided what to write about though expect a number of topics from films to rants about life and from comics to the outright bizarre" Well I was right about one thing comics have been a fairly big influance on this blog.

I have not however ranted about life or the outright bizarre. This blog has infact seen a lot more about 'My Nerdy Life' which will be the new tag line of my blog.

I would like to also point out that this blog will never enter into the relms of teen-angst. A topic which my friends have also sworn againt, both in their first posts (Hippopotaman - How Terribly Faustian and RuAr - Point of Entry) and which up untill now I have not done. Well it is done now.



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