Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Everyone is a Critic

I attend a private school and so I am subjected to such a thing as the house competition, a competition between groups of people who, on mass, share nothing but a little coloured badge in common sort of like Harry Potter except boring. Today was the yearly house choir competition and although completly pointless was rather entertaining and also took up some class time. Once this event is over and the winner has been named the school usually gets back to normal. Today however every one seemed to have an opinion on the quality of the performances and whether or not the winners and loosers were awarded the correct place. God, who gives a crap I know I don't and any way there were all as bad/good as each other so it doesn't realy matter who won.

Now although nobody other than my self and maby a few others read this I thought I would once again give a little hint as to one of the characters in the upcoming Characters Of Towser's Past: Five Day Spectacular 2. Can you guess who this is:

Well I bet your juices are really flowing now.



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