The Scooby Gang Volume One
I first intended The Scooby Gang to be this weeks 'The Characters of Towser's Past' it being only two weeks in and I had already broken the guidelines I set - looking at a single character I loved, I decided to instead create a new section entitled The Scooby Gang. Each week, or when ever I can be bothered I shall write about a character or some aspect of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel for my own enjoyment.

[Spoiler Warning - Those who have not seen the entirety of Buffy and wish too should not read on.]
The Chosen One
Either Willow or Xander gaining some form of power was I feel an inevitability on the show because it helps to emphasize Wheedon's idea; a show about social rejects being superpowerful. Xander and Willow being just the friends of someone with power is not exactly the same. So when Willow became a witch it was no real surprise. We are now left with only one character with some normality about him Xander. Although, as we will see, just because Xander is ordinary it does not mean he cannot save the day (I will return to this point at a later date).
The Not so Hidden Meaning
Magic would appear to have some form of deeper meaning wh
en being used by the lovable nerd Willow. As we all know Willow realizes that she is in fact a lesbian in the fourth season. Willow and her new partner Tara start to take Willows dabbling with magic a step further. During this season and season five magic symbolically takes the form of lesbian sex as Willow and Tara's relationship moves forward so does Willow's use and control of magic.
The more apparent symbol is that of drug use. In the sixth season after Willow's magical powers reach a breakthrough point; she raises Buffy from the dead. This appears to be a step to far for Willow after this point magic starts to have a negative affect on her. Tara threatens to leave Willow, if she does not give up the use of magic. Willow continues to use magic and eventually Tara leaves her. At this point Willow tries to give it up but is addicted she starts to have withdrawal symptoms and through pear pressure from Amy she starts to use it again. When Tara is killed it pushes Willow over the edge and she turns evil. At the start of season seven Willow even goes into some form of re-hab.
The sexyest Nerd In the World
Willow is one of my all time favorite Buffyverse characters, she was cool when she was a nerd and even cooler as an evil witch and god damn is she hot.

Willow - Sex and Drugs and Magic
[Spoiler Warning - Those who have not seen the entirety of Buffy and wish too should not read on.]

Either Willow or Xander gaining some form of power was I feel an inevitability on the show because it helps to emphasize Wheedon's idea; a show about social rejects being superpowerful. Xander and Willow being just the friends of someone with power is not exactly the same. So when Willow became a witch it was no real surprise. We are now left with only one character with some normality about him Xander. Although, as we will see, just because Xander is ordinary it does not mean he cannot save the day (I will return to this point at a later date).
The Not so Hidden Meaning
Magic would appear to have some form of deeper meaning wh

The more apparent symbol is that of drug use. In the sixth season after Willow's magical powers reach a breakthrough point; she raises Buffy from the dead. This appears to be a step to far for Willow after this point magic starts to have a negative affect on her. Tara threatens to leave Willow, if she does not give up the use of magic. Willow continues to use magic and eventually Tara leaves her. At this point Willow tries to give it up but is addicted she starts to have withdrawal symptoms and through pear pressure from Amy she starts to use it again. When Tara is killed it pushes Willow over the edge and she turns evil. At the start of season seven Willow even goes into some form of re-hab.
The sexyest Nerd In the World
Willow is one of my all time favorite Buffyverse characters, she was cool when she was a nerd and even cooler as an evil witch and god damn is she hot.
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