Sunday, June 11, 2006

Towser's Make Over

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, nerds and nerdets if I could please direct you to the new look Towser. The side bar has filled out drastically as you can see. I have added two things:
  1. The Navigation bar is the most crucial this will take you to a post with all of the appropriate links for that topic this Navigation bar and subsequent Navigator Pages will be updated as the topics are updated.
  2. The Flixter movie review panel is just a bit of fun I will review movies and they will appear in the panel.
I would also like to announce the up coming 50th Post Super extravaganza Extreme which will introduce the Towser mascot (this idea spawned from Hippopotamans Hippopotablog sorry Hippopotaman but your HippopotaMario looked to good to not plagerise - I won't use video games characters so don't worry)



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